Where to next?📍🔥

Check the vibe before you go! Using AI, Vibecheck brings live wait times, insights and enables you to stay safely connected with friends. Download now and don 't miss out on the fun!

Find us on Instagram @vibecheck

Party Mode

Add friends and see where they are

Enable 'Party Mode 'to show your friend 's your location on the map so you can meet up.

Wait Time

Check the wait times for places

See the wait time before you go to avoid spending your night in lines.


Post stories to all the places

Post a story for just friends or to a place to let everyone know what the vibe is.

With all the features you need &more coming

Add your friends

Add your friends to Vibecheck together

Find the Spot

Easily search in the app for spots near or far.

Vibecheck it

Share the vibe by posting a story and get points for each time you vibecheck a spot

Login with Snap

Login with Snap for a seamless user experience.

Use Points

Redeem your points for drinks or food. Get points by Vibechecking places

Party Safety

See your friends on a map so you can meet up or make sure they get home safely